Wednesday, April 13, 2022


What a busy busy day we had today!  We got up way too early and were out the door by 7:00.  We took the tube into town near Selfridges on Oxford Street.  Our first stop was going to be for Breakfast and then to the Vodophone Store to each get a sim chip in our phones so that we can have data and phone each other if we need to.  20 pounds for 100 gig of data and unlimited texting and calls within Europe for 30 days.  Way more than we need – but sometimes it is hard to connect to wifi when we are out, and it need is a great convenience to be able to refer to the underground transportation and bus routes when out and about.  So this will serve us well.

Then some shopping was in order at Selfridges, Marks and Spensers and Liberty London.  Managed to find a few of the things I was looking for and some that I didn’t even know I needed.  It was good…except now I need to carry these things around for the day.  Brenda assisted me now and then so I could continue to take pictures.  It was gorgeous sunshine and the few sprinkles of rain weren't enough to dampen our day.  At 7:00 in the morning we stepped out of the hotel with our jackets stowed in our backpacks.  They were not needed – it was quite lovely and warm...unlike the weather we are hearing about in Vancouver.

We met Dominic and Jerome – friends of Brenda who live in London. They wanted to help us enjoy the day by escorting us around to some sights.  We had a few choices and Brenda said I could choose.  I didn’t  want to look inside any cathedrals or the London Library to see the only known page of the Magna Carta in existence or some of the most beautifully decorated bibles in the world…(sorry Clay)…but a trip to the Cambden Market piqued my interest! 

The market was a really eclectic mix of everything.  Lots of food stalls and 60’s clothing…music, incense, handmade jewelry, edible marijuana products, marijuana smoking paraphernalia …like we fell back in time.  It was certainly a vibrant and busy place with all ages in attendance.  I think people have stayed home for so long with covid that they are all emerging with the onset of Spring.  We rode on a double decker – twice and walked for miles.  17,600 steps = about 14 km.  Yep, we are tired.

We watched a long canal boat go through a lock.  Dominic and Jerome are having a 60 foot canal boat built.  It will be finished soon and they plan to live on it for 6 months each year returning to Vancouver for the winters.  I would love to see the inside of one of those boats.  They can be different lengths, but only 6 feet 10 inches wide.  Length is determined by the length of the locks that they want to travel through.  There are many locks on the canals that are either operated by boat owners or volunteers. 

Tomorrow will be a low key day – we have done so much in the past couple we need a day to recuperate!

So...the important lesson l learned today was - Never get into a pedicab before asking how much the trip will be to get to your destination.  Instead of screaming and hollering (we were too tired to just run away) I just paid the exorbitant fee and walked away, The maximum 10 minute ride would have cost less if we had hired a limo.  Brenda didn't want me to tell you it was 64 pounds.  That was just mean of him!  I should have made a scene!!



Sister Eileen said...

That was quite a tough lesson to learn. What a nasty fellow. Glad the rest of your day was full of new adventures. Our weather Yesterday was quite an adventure to say the least. So far today is lovely. Did you get to any quilt shops yet? Take care and enjoy your relaxing day.

Brother Brian said...

Perhaps spill a bit of your water bottle on his upholstery and say you were sorry but you had hoped he would have got to your destination faster as you really needed to before you burst. Tell him you were sooooo close!

I think one gets some street smarts after making a few mistakes - just like the inhabitants do. Good luck with the rest of your adventures. All those steps mean good sleeps and lots of fine memories! What you lose on the swing you gain on the roundabout! I don't know what that means but it reads like a British truism.
