I took a picture of this fellow who walks along the beach every day selling candy and nuts. I bought some Spanish peanuts, some coated peanuts and some hot and spicy nuts from him. They were very tasty. There are so many vendors but none of them are very pushy and some of them come right up to the area by the beach restaurant at night and sell their wares there.
There is a market in Bucerios that we wandered around for about an hour or so. The market was just off the beach and the waves and the wind were quite strong there. You could feel the grains of sand blowing at your legs and stinging as they hit. There were a lot of little shops and a lot of the same stuff. I bought a hat for the sun and bought some figurines for Matthew. Peter found me a lovely pendant and earrings to go with the ring we saw the other day. Not very much money and they are really pretty fire opals in silver. I really like them.
Peter got talking to this man that I helped with the internet yesterday and it is very possible that Peter and his parents and this fellow and his wife came over on the same ship from Europe. They came over on the Colombia on September 23 or 25 of 1953 and landed in Quebec. It was a very stormy ride with lots of Germans on board. Peter knows that he came over when he was 2 and a half. That would make the timing about right and his mom has always said it was such a rough crossing. We will ask his mom when we get home. It seems the world gets smaller and smaller with each trip.
That’s it for now
sounds like you are having a great time, auntie april. i hope uncle peter gets the name and email of the people he was talking with as it would be interesting if they were all on the same ship. continue to have a great time and i will see you when you get back (i'll be home in two weeks!)
love shannon
enjoy the warm weather while you can. i'm sure it's better than the -20+ degrees up north here. want to change places?!
enjoy the warm weather while you can. i'm sure it's better than the -20+ degrees up north here. want to change places?!
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