So…another difference between a 3^ and a 5^ well imagine being in a secluded resort, no phones, no tv’s, no stereos, no construction noise, hardly any wildlife or life sounds – got the picture? Now hold that thought – ok now you are thrust onto mainstreet downtown Penticton on the July 1st weekend! Car alarms going off, ice-cream trucks cruising the 4 bloch long strip playing the Pink Panther theme song over and over….dogs barking, birds singing (if you can call it that) roosters crowing…jeeps with boomboxes – no not inside the cars, the are so huge they need to be SECURED TO THE ROOF TOPS – with music blaring and microphones inside to advertise whatever it is that they are advertising but I can’t understand because they are talking away so very quickly and loudly in Spanish. Meanwhile jackhammers and pick axes are tearing up something next door – don’t quite know what or why, but they are working hard anyway.
OK so all that being said, would we come back here one day? Sure we would – in a heartbeat – because you make real honest to goodness friends here and the staff remembers you and greets you very warmly and because Momasita is making omelets in the small restaurant outside our resort every morning while two of her sons are waiting table in the main buffet. Tina knows their wives and children and they have been working here for several years. In fact when we go to La Pineta on Thursday, we will have lunch with one of the sons and his wife (who is expecting baby #2) and the little 18 month old.
Hasta la juego
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