Tuesday, December 5, 2023


Today we sailed in Marseille. The weather today is quite nasty.  So glad I bought each of us a waterproof rain cape.  It was advised that we should take a shuttle into town.  I didn’t remember doing that back in 2011.  I thought is was quite walkable.  Due to the inclement weather, I wasn’t going to argue, just purchase the ticket, get on the shuttle, sit down and be quiet.  It was about a 15 minute ride to get to the Cathedral.  Yes I guess we had sailed into the “Old Port” last time.

The shuttle dropped us off right near the Cathedral.  It is such a large and imposing feature of the city.  This would be an easy landmark to find our way backA to the shuttle to return to the ship.  

We started off down the street we were let off at and very quickly realized that we weren’t getting to anywhere to find a café that might offer free internet.  So we made a 90 degree turn and headed up towards a busier street.  It wasn’t long before we found what we were looking for.  

A café au lait, free internet and maybe a bite to eat and just a quiet space to catch up.  Me on my Blog and Brenda on her phone.  We had to be happy with all but one of our requirements.  This was a busy and happening place!  It was like small food court.  There were about 7 or 8 different food offerings.  There was Indian, Lebanese, hamburgers, pizza, Greek and things I didn’t recognize.  There was a bar in the middle and really loud music.  We were able to get on line and do what we were hoping for.

Another errand was to find a place that would sell a game or two and a couple of decks of cards so we would have something to do on the at sea days that were coming up.  We had visited the games room and checked things out and found that they had a few Scrabble games available.  We had taken a Scrabble Box off the shelf and sat down to play.  WTF – we took the box lid off, full of anticipation only to find a single tile.  The letter W.  It would be a very quick game.  The table next to us with their Scrabble box had way more letters, but lacked the required letters to play a game.  Even with us offering our letter W to them – it was just a good laugh.  (I imagined that the several Chess boxes would have all their pieces).  There were no decks of cards – so we knew what we were looking for at our next stop. We were successful – we found 2 decks of cards and a Yahtzee  game to bring back to the ship.


1 comment:

Sister Eileen said...

That's too bad that their games left a lot to be desired. Good thing that you checked before heading out on the high seas with no stops. Your ports have been interesting. Hope the weather improves for you to enjoy the remaining stops. Take care😘