Tuesday, April 25, 2017


Today we had an early start and went on a walk down through the rice paddy terraces. What a beautiful walk. The skies were absolutely clear and a perfect day for us.  It hadn't rained the night before, so the paths were mostly dry.

You need to get started early so that the heat doesn't beat you up too badly.  There are many shady areas if you are walking in the morning and although it isn't really cooling, it still feels good on your skin to be out of the sun even for a few minutes.

All the way along the path there are local artisans making and selling their wares. Their crafts are varied and interesting.  The prices are so inexpensive and the items are delivered for free to your hotel so you don't have to pack them along on your walk.  We also saw a fellow selling coffee and chili pepper spice.  So there was something for everyone.


We saw people carrying building supplies in on their backs - 2 x 4's bricks, sheets of plywood, a new door ... whatever is needed.  All of this in oppressive heat and high humidity. The path we were walking on is also the main thoroughfare for motor scooters going in both directions.  This was a busy artery servicing the terrace area.


We learned that they grow mainly 3 types of rice - white, red and black.  The different rices grow different heights and takes only four months from planting to maturity. Unfortunately we weren't able to see any being harvested. Most of the harvesting is done the old fashioned way by scythe and manual thrashing.  Hard work but better usage of the terraced land to do things the old way.  

They use ducks for fertilizer and pest control and have an amazingly simple aqueduct system to increase or reduce water flow into the fields.  A council decides when a field is to be harvested and with great ceremony, it is accomplished and then new planting begins. The fields are all in varying stages of growth so harvesting and planting occurs frequently.  

Walking Hazards

So this was a beautiful and peaceful 7 km walk that ended in a superb luncheon at a local restaurant.  I had salad an bruschetta toast.  It was delicious!  There was no spices!   So I now have a go to meal. After lunch we went back to the hotel and just floated and bobbed in the pool for about an hour.  It was delightful to finally feel refreshed an cool......ahhhhh.

Many times I have quietly thanked my Physiotherapist, Grant  for making sure that my ankle was in the best possible shape for this vacation.  The streets are abysmal and the stair risers are all different heights as are the curbs.  Add that to all the broken bricks and uneven pavement.   I wouldn't be as confident - albeit careful, walking around had it not been for his excellent care.

Dinner was around the corner and I had salad and bruschetta toast again and loved every bite.  The others are enjoying the local cuisine as much as I am enjoying my salads.  One restaurant puts cut up boiled potatoes in their salad simply dressed with a vinegar dressing and I think I may do that when I come home too.  Now home to bed early again and loving that too.  


Brother Brian said...

Thanks for the Rice Paddy shots! You are having quite a trip with all the varied adventrures and crafts to see being done.

The food would be very tempting I am sure but your notes seem to show great restraint! Now, me and noodles ......

Anonymous said...

Wow! I hadn't checked your blog before today!! (Brain fuzz) So a great treat for me with my tea this morning!
Awesome pictures and I'm glad you all seem to be playing nicely with each other!

Will have you up om my bookmark bar from now on!

Much, much love!!