Saturday, April 29, 2017


I decided to stay home today!  It was such a good day.  I started by walking up the street to get money from the ATM machine and then thought I would have a manicure.  I had a cup of coffee and watched the activities on the busy street.  It was lovely just to sit and enjoy.  I walked back to the hotel and decided to go for a dip and cool off - It was only 10:30 - but it was good to cool off.  

After writing the blog to get caught up, it was time for lunch.  So out I went in the other direction to find the Pizza Bagus restaurant.  Had a delicious simple small pizza with no chilis and black olives and a bottle of coke.  The total bill with tax and service charge..... 55,000 rupia or $5.50 .  It was so good and I ate the whole thing.  Then back to the hotel and into the pool again.  It was the best day.  

The rest of the girls went to a Hindu Temple.  It was another hot day and I was very glad to be out of the heat and just do things for me.

Just a few pics of the streets that we have been walking on for a week.


Anonymous said...

Hurry up and get to the batiks!! I'm busy saving patterns for you!
I love you and am glad you had a day of rest!

Brother Brian said...

More great pictures! Glad the pizza was done to your taste! Reads like you had a great day just poking around. Sometimes not a bad idea even close to home! The bird cages were quite something. Do they have a lot of birds out in the streets for air during the day? Now me, I would choose ants or stick insects or something really interesting!
