Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Sydney is an enjoyable place to be – there is a very vibrant dock area with ferries coming and going constantly and keeping with a tight schedule.  It is like our seabus, but with several destination options.  The day we went to Taronga Zoo, we used a ferry.  Just had to make our way down to Circular Key, and get our return ticket and we were off.  They run every 20 minutes or so, so you never have to wait longer than that.
We are staying at the Great Southern Hotel which is across the street from the City Market, Paddy’s Market and right in Chinatown.  It is a wonderful walking area with the added convenience of being close to transit.  However…that being said, all the busses have stopped running up George Street (right in front of the hotel) and are located two blocks over because they are constructing a light rail service to run on George Street.  It has made it a bit confusing for us when trying to find the new locations for the bus stops – part of our adventure for sure!
We took a bus close to a destination I wanted to go to called Angel Place.  I read about it online and knew this was a spot I Just had to visit.  After taking a bus and wandering a bit there is was.  Amazing how few locals we stopped to ask for directions were aware of its existence.  When we rounded the corner into this little laneway, we were greeted with hundreds of hanging birdcages well above our heads.  They are decoration only and no caged birds are to be seen.  The have an audio feed of the indigenous birds of New South Wales and embedded in the stone walk we were on are tiles with the various bird names.  What a treat this was.  Thank you Pinterest for the first indication I had of Angel Place.  I spent time reading the walkway, listening to the beautiful bird sounds and taking photos in this wonderful little hideaway.
We decided to walk back to our hotel after our ramble and we were grateful when we finally saw the marquis.  It was a very long walk.  I haven’t been able to sync my fitbit while away.  I will try in earnest today so I don’t lose these 16,000 step days!


Anonymous said...

Angel Place would be right up your alley!!! Yuk yuk yuk ;)

Seriously though, cool spot.

Pam xoxoxo

Eileen Benmore said...

Yikes! Looks like you got the fit bit synched! You are in first place. No one has any chance of catching you as long as you are doing you walk abouts! Love you! Hi Laureen.

Brother Brian said...

I enjoyed the symbolism of the bird cages, names and sounds. I wonder how it is all financed and who had the inspiration? As for your FitBit - don't worry - it has a longer memory than that as long as the battery is in good shape. Your long walks are preserved! The thing to do is to keep at it once you are home if you can. Joan is getting better at it than I am right now. Lots of love from this end. We are still not robots!