Monday, September 21, 2015


Well – we got to the airport to find out that our plane to Perth had been changed to a smaller one and we were bumped so a delay of 2.5 hours for the next flight from Sydney.  When travelling you have to flexible (not talking about Skycouch flexible) things happen that are out of your control.  So my dictum is to smile and go with the flow and you are much happier. (Colleen you must be laughing at how calm I can be when I’m not at home.)  We were each given a $20 food voucher and I could call Diana in Perth for free from the desk telephone.  After all, our flight was never cancelled so she would have had a terrible shock if we weren’t on board. 

Some good news - after our almost lost bag yesterday, my came­­ra was found at the pub and is safe and sound.  I couldn’t check this morning before we left as being Sunday they didn’t open until 11:00.  Thanks to Qantas, another free phone call to them from the desk and they will fedex it overnight to me in Perth.  Cheaper by far than a new camera and I get to keep my new spare battery and my 16 gig and 8 gig sd cards.  Wasn’t concerned about the pics as I had only taken 3 – but for sure I will be uploading to the little puter each evening and never fear losing holiday photos.  I will be sure to write a most wonderful review of this pub on facebook and on Trip Advisor - as soon as my camera arrives that is. 
Diana took us on a lovely long ride to her home in Freemantle.  How beautiful to drive through Kings Park and alongside the Swan River.  We saw Captain Cook Bottle Brush Trees, a cormorant, gulls, other flowering shrubs and lots of beautiful white gum trees.  They are spectacular!  When we arrived at her house we were greeted with freesia growing quite wild in amongst the shrubs by the carpark.  Imagine a small child bringing you a fist full of freesia instead of a bunch of dandelions in their tiny hand.  The same meaning in their heartwarming wonderful bouquet – but still know which ones I would prefer in the windowsill. 

So waking up our first morning here – I am assaulted (in a good way) by the amazing bird calls.  I can’t wipe the smile from my face.  I hear pigeons, magpies, mourning doves, a pair of cockatoos, a bird they call the twenty eight parrot, galahs, rainbow corellas, wattle birds, other “parrot sounds” and a crow (is there anywhere in the world that doesn’t have crows or pigeons).  But for the most part, how different…how lovely…how noisy!  The word cacophony comes to mind – although never used that to describe the birds in my backyard before – but it works very well here!  And all of this on our first morning!

First stop of the day was for a coffee at Jeff’s coffee truck – Diana’s son – called Heavenly Brew.  It was delicious and a nice start to our day.  We then had a walk along the bank of the Swan River down in East Freemantle.  Although the day started out very cool, it warmed up nicely during our beach walk and then was quite hot by the time we went to King’s Park.


We spent a lot of time walking amongst the beautiful native plants of Western Australia.  How lovely and how very different – the Boab tree was quite unique – it had very fat trunk and then slender branches and the specimen we saw was 750 years old.  I was especially attracted to the Kangaroo Paw, the state floral emblem of Western Australia.  It was so intricate and well named as you can see in the picture.  We were surrounded by lots of spring colour and beauty!
Kangaroo Paw
We arrived back at Diana’s around 2:30 after 11,200 fitbit steps!  Glad to enjoy a late lunch and a chance to sit and enjoy Diana’s garden and a lovely cup of tea.  Thanks to Diana today for the loan of her camera....still waiting for mine to arrive.
Tomorrow a trip to the Swan Valley has been planned and a possible visit to a quilt shop.  We are excited to see what is in "store" both figuratively and literally!





Brother Brian said...

Great beginning to what I am sure will be a wonderful stay. The plants of Western Australia are unique and a link with an ancient past (like visiting with us). Jeff's truck and his logo are wonderful. Rain has stopped and I wish for nothing but sunshine in the days, a shower in the middle of the night and bright blue skies for your sightseeing. There will be a lot of it! Great news about the camera. Onward and outward!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Diana for lending April your camera! She takes great photos! April, I'm glad you two are safely on land and able to walk around. Always wish that we had toured around when we lived it Melbourne but you Know Reiner - a Sunday drive meant going into the city and up and down deserted streets!

Enjoy all there is to see and to do!!

Eileen Benmore said...

Looks like you will be in for a treat every day. Lots to see and do. Glad the camera was quickly located. Hope you get it today. Oh! There you are on messenger

Penny Hanuszak said...

Sounds like you're off to a good start on your latest journey and adventure. 11,500 steps is quite impressive. Being hearing impaired and unable to hear the trilling of birds is one thing I miss in life. The "cacophony" of the different sometimes discordant sounds of many varieties of birds sounds somewhat delightful! Have a wonderful time April. Hope your camera has arrived safe and sound. How smart of you to FED EX it rather than picking it up on your return trip.