Wednesday, December 10, 2014


There were so many things I missed on our Costa Cruise. 

·        I missed the towel art.  Even though I may have Useen the swan more times that I can remember, it is always something I looked forward to each evening.

·         I missed the fresh flowers in the prominent areas.

·         I missed our cabin steward knowing our names – small thing but I remember Good morning, Eileen, Good morning April in a quiet voice…it always brought a smile.

·         I missed hearing the captain make some announcements – never actually knew if he was on board or not.  Only ever saw pictures of him on the special nights (but I think it was really Pee Wee  Herman)

·         I missed Name that Tune.

·         I missed the daily puzzles that are posted in the library.

·         I missed North American style meals.

·         I missed sheets and blankets (they use a duvet with a cover).

·         I missed having watermelon.

·         I missed having an atlas in the library or any decent reading material for that matter.

On the plus side of things – and more importantly…The best part of the adventure for me was:

meeting some wonderful new friends  with whom we shared so many laughs and experiences.  As there were only the 30 or so of us that were English as a first language, we formed a close community.  My feeling is that this made the Costa Atlantic crossing so special.  I did converse with people from other countries using the small bits of French and German mixed with English and we could talk about basic things – but only because their command of English exceeded my weak attempts at communication in their language.  This was never was the same as the easy association that I could fall into with the folks that made up our unique and small community.  It made this rather large cruise ship seem much smaller and more intimate.

So, would I recommend a Costa Cruise?  Probably not – although the price was unbeatable – had we been able to get to the 3 ports that we missed, it would have been a greater adventure.  Am I glad I took this trip?  Of course.  There was still lots to learn and enjoy.  For instance I learned that 6.5 days in a row at sea is way too much.  I learned that I didn’t get seasick on really rough seas.  I learned that having a southern gentleman at your dining table say the word “Charleston” is a wonderful thing and forever I will remember the timbre of Bob’s voice and the musical laugh of his lovely wife, Kathy.   It was a grand time!


1 comment:

Brother Brian said...

A nice note about the pros and cons of Costa. Might be useful for others for sure. I will look for your note from an email to know you are back with us. A visit is forthcoming with surprises!

Lots of love,