Saturday, December 6, 2014


Finally terra firma – Hello Antigua!  We began our day with 2 other couples and a negotiated taxi tour of the island.  It was wonderful.  The language of the island is English and our drive spoke it well.  It was interesting at times when he would roll down the window and talk to a local and the patois between the two of them was impossible to understand.  Our tour was $20 each and was money well spent.  Even adding a tip still made it cheaper than any ship excursion, and I believe that we were able to see more this way.
Our tour began at 10:00 and finished around 1:30.  We visited the Interpretive Centre for a short presentation on the beginnings of Antigua.  It was very well done.  We drove to some wonderful view spots and took a few pictures of the stunning scenery.  I don’t think that any pictures do justice to the beautiful azure blue of the Caribbean Sea.  To look out over the water and see the colours first hand as the waves come up and wash onto the beige sandy beaches – well it is definitely the stuff that inspires novels, paintings and romance….well novels and paintings anyway…
After our taxi tour was over, we ventured into the town.  We had lunch at a little restaurant called Hemingway’s and sampled the local beer.  The consensus was that it was a very good beer, but this it was also a very hot day.  You know you are on a cruise when you spot a Diamonds International or a Del Sol store and the various other jewelry, sunglass, perfume, watch aAnd t-shirt stores that line the main street.  It is always fun to poke in and out of each one to see just what they are selling.  If it is t-shirts and the like, there is bargaining that can be done.  If it is jewelry you are looking for, sometimes you can work a deal but it is definitely harder to negotiate with those people.  They must have worked their way up from t-shirts and beads by being somewhat ruthless.  They instantly pull out a scale and a calculator – tools to show you what the weight is and the price and believe me nothing seems like a bargain when you are talking gold, diamonds, tanzanite (yes it’s here also) and emeralds.  Yah – t-shirts and handicrafts seem to be my comfort zone. 

We are in another port tomorrow, Tortola – so we will see what that day brings.


Anonymous said...

from cousin Sandra - well things certainly seem to have taken a turn for the better!! Antigua looks breathtaking!!!

Bre'r Brian said...

Ah the brilliant blues and the soft sand of a tropical beach. Seems removed from the rain today. You did very well with your taxi tour - more comfort, more sights and real dialogue with a local. Yes, you did the right thing with that.

Looking forward to tomorrow!