Friday, July 25, 2014


We set off for Halifax today and our first stop was Timmy’s for breakfast.  I think I must have been take Grandpa to breakfast day.  It was a cute site to see the grandpas inside with their little charges.  One little girl was still in her pyjamas and at another table there was the superhero fellow.  He was wearing a Ninja Turtle hat, rough and ready Recon Man T-shirt, Optimus Prime, and transformer sandals.  I didn’t think I should ask about his underwear – that would be creepy, but my guess would be spiderman!  I knew we were safe with him in the restaurant!
We took a lovely drive – part scenic – part pedal to the metal to get there.  We had a stop in Sherbrooke – an interactive museum in a small town setting.  All the people are dressed in period costume and were running things the way it would have been at turn of the 19th century.  We went through the little gift shop and then drove to the working mill.  There was a lovely old waterwheel that was working to turn the big saw in the mill.  It was a neat little look for free.  We didn’t go through the whole village as time was pressing us to move on to get to Halifax. 
Driving further along we came to a very busy part of the highway – cars were parked all over the place and people were donning wet suits and grabbing their boards.  A little further along and we could see over the boulder breakwater and there it was – SURFING – and the waves were coming in strong.  I never thought this was something we would see on our drive from Sydney to Halifax – it was in a little town called Lawrencetown.  A very popular place and the word must have been out that the surf was up cause they were arriving from every direction.
Finally we were in Halifax and looking for our next B&B.  We found the Verandah on a very small street with no parking out front.  WARNING:  Course language and suggesting gesturing – reader discretion is advised.  We made our way up the stairs and a little dog was barking a greeting at the door.  The lady – nope not a lady – the woman at the door looked at Eileen and said “if you don’t like my dog…don’t come through my door!”  Eileen was flabbergasted – she said “I never said I didn’t like your dog…”  Then the woman said, “I don’t like the look on your face.” Then I said, “We have come here to check in, would you rather we didn’t stay here?” ..she said, “Well if that suits you but good luck getting anything else.”  Tom thought we should err on the side of caution and not be hasty.  We went upstairs to look at the rooms and Shannon said, “OK I’m looking on line right now…WE are NOT staying here!”  First hotel we called had available rooms and is beautiful - the Delta Hotel in Halifax Harbour.  So Tom went down and told her that we had found other accommodations and wouldn’t be staying.  Her response to him was… “It’s just as well, I didn’t like them anyway.”  Then Tom got his dander up and told her “good luck running your business”.  So imagine if this was our first time at a B&B or for anyone to have an experience like that.  Letters will be written and phone calls will be made – do not stay at The Verandah Bed and Breakfast in Halifax, NS
We had dinner downstairs in the hotel.  Tom, Eileen and Shannon had the lobster.  Finally – the lobster dinner that Atlantic Canada is so famous for with corn on the cob, coleslaw and a bun.  I had rack of lamb.  Mine was delicious and the others didn’t seem to be wasting their time tucking into their large portions.  Chins dripping butter and fingers sticky with lobster juices…ew ew ew…me I was clean and shiny with my delicate portion of ½ of a rack of lamb with a modest amount of roasted vegetables.  Shannon even had to remove her lobster juice contaminated watch so as not to permanently damage it.

Before and after pictures of the lobster feast

Then we retired to our rooms to write letters and make phone calls to some really important tourism people – take that Verandah B and B!


Anonymous said...

Unbelievable!! did you tell her well, you didn't like her either. Bitch!! Send her a bouquet of dead flowers! Nah, that would be too nice!

Diana said...

The only positive reviews for her B and B are on her own website. Something is fishy!

April's Adventures said...

Yes - we realized that just last night when we were looking on trip advisor and
We will be lodging a formal complaint sometime in the near future - after we get our deposit back!

Hard to believe she is still in business.

Brian said...

Sounds like the Verandah will be the story to remember. As Andrea Pontoni told a sommelier as he refused to taste his wine, "Wine is to promote conversation and a bad bottle promotes far more than a good one!"

It is experiences such as meeting that angry soul that truly makes all the others who greet you with understanding and a caring attitude standouts.