Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Maggie and Jiggs

Today was a travel day – flying from Halifax to St John’s for the last few days of our adventure.  The time  did not seem to go very fast, but already it is almost at an end.  We certainly have been busy and there are a few great times still ahead.

We drove straight to pick up Nonie and then to go to Barbara’s for a traditional Maggie and Jiggs Dinner.  Let me tell you … it was a home cooked meal and the flavours were so unbelievably wonderful. 
Even though it was a very warm day, she had prepared - from left top to right bottom...peas pudding, mashed turnip, potatoes, corned beef,  carrots, parsnips, cabbage and molasses pudding.  My goodness – it was delicious.  We all ate our fill.  Then there was rhubarb-strawberry pie and ice cream for dessert.  We enjoyed every mouthful!
Then it was time to leave and make our way to Witless Bay for 2 nights.  We are going on a whale watching and puffin tour tomorrow at 1:00 in that area and it promises to delight.  The tour we have chosen is with Captain Wayne.  Camera is charged and we are ready to see it all!


Unknown said...

I hope nature cooperates!

Brian said...

You have definitely had it all!

Now to gird your loins for airline fare!