Sunday, August 11, 2013


We are having a lovely day of river cruising.  Athough the temperature is once again very hot and the humidity is very high, as we are making our way down the Mekong River, the breeze created by moving is lovely and cooling.  In the air everywhere are floating spider webs.  If you are sitting at the front of the ship on any deck, you are likely to have some lacy strands attach themselves to your face and body.  I am pretty sure that each of these white strands contains a small travelling spider – but I’m ok with that.  It’s kind of like standing near the thing that spins the sugar to make candy floss at the PNE.

Yep, beetles, spiders, crickets and silk worms

It is possible to be just as wet from sweat as it is from rain.  We walked through a rain storm the other day and found that one out.  We had just come out of the U ME Spa after a $14 mani/pedi and it was raining.  Since it was only about 3 blocks back to the ship, we decided to walk which isn’t easy especially when motorcycles, food carts, shop stands, tuk tuk drivers and other people are all standing about.  When we arrived back at the boat, we were wet from the outside in and the inside out.
Monks are people too.  We received a blessing by Udon Monks during one of our outings.  It was beautifully chanted and during the blessing flowers and petals were thrown out to us.  It was a really nice ceremony and when it was over the monks interacted with us a bit.  One of them took out his cel phone and took a picture of all of us.  I managed to take a picture of him laughing and enjoying our company. 

You can watch the weather arrive.  I’m sure that because it is the rainy season storms can come up at the drop of a hat.  We are in the middle of one right now.  It is bouncing off the deck.  On these ships, the only public areas are outside.  So with the torrential rains and wind that accompanies the storm, the only place to go is inside the cabin.  Here are some factoids about the ship:  The library contains 68 books (I counted them) The gift shop items are displayed on 4 small shelves surrounding the purser’s desk (more weaving, silver and pepper and tea).  There is one public toilet and it broke today – thank goodness there is one in each cabin.  The bar (yes only one of those too) has 5 bottles of free spirits, 24 bottles of premium liquor, wine, beer, pop, juice and coffee or tea.  The wheelhouse is about 40 square feet.  There are 4 decks and no elevator. 

If the itinerary includes a village visit to see artisans or an orphanage or an elementary school or or or…maybe have your wallet ready to make a purchase or a donation.  It’s never a lot and I truly don’t mind – just be prepared when I get home to receive your hand crafted gifts graciously lol…and maybe a picture of the person who crafted the item.

Beauty is everywhere!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A little different from cruise ships elsewhere for sure! Still, all in all to experience another country and culture would be very exciting and educational as well. Sounds amazing April.
