Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Continuing on….

After resting up for a bit and waiting until dark…we then took the trolley down Canal Street to get off  and take the free ferry to Algiers. A short 10 minute ride – the purpose being to see the New Orleans city skyline at night – it was lovely. I tried to take a couple of photos, but with the ferry vibration and trying to do a night shot – it didn’t turn out as well as I had hoped, but you get the idea – it was rather spectacular.

So we rode the ferry back, got on the trolley and got off at the end of the line where we could easily make our way up to Frenchman Street. A tamer area than Bourbon Street and with great music we have been told. Every seat was taken in every bar with live music and even the standing areas were full. We had to satisfy ourselves with walking up and down the 4 blocks and just listen as we strolled.

Since we hadn’t had any dinner, we stopped at a place called Angeli’s. What a find! We had the most delicious pizza, it was quiet and warm and we enjoyed sitting after such a busy day.
Since both of us had ordered small pizzas, needless to say we had a full pizza left over between the two of us. I asked the waiter if people ever asked for handouts at the restaurant. He said that they weren’t allowed to give food away, but if we wanted to take the leftover pizza in a box and leave it on any flat surface outside, he said it would surely be gone in 5 minutes. So he packed up a box of leftovers from another table and the leftovers from our table and I took them outside and left them on top of a newspaper stand and sure enough 5 minutes later they were gone.

We took a cab back to the hotel as it is not good to walk around at night. It was funny that at 8:30 when we got to the restaurant it seemed fine, but then at 9:15 when we were ready to go, it all changes and you don’t feel safe anymore. However, the cab came right to the restaurant door - I made quite the entrance as my hand slipped off the seat arm rest (it was a van) and I went down on one knee - hit my arm on the seat armrest (that will leave a mark) damn that ArmorAll ....and away we went back to the hotel.

What a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So much to see and do! Thanks for "teaching" us! Now I'm sure you'll be glad to get home and sink into the couch!