Sunday, May 8, 2011


After some of the bathrooms in Greece, which were lacking many of the amenities that we are used to at home, it was nice to arrive in Rome to a real luxurious bathroom. You can actually flush the paper in the toilet – that was a plus and wouldn’t you know?…. they had installed a foot soak next to the toilet. After all the speed walking we did on our walkabout yesterday, it was so nice to come back to the room and simply soak our poor tired feet for a while. They even had a bottle of special washing foam right by it so we could run a little bubble bath just for our feet! It really felt nice and our feet were so soft and clean.

Also the shower….so roomy and the water jets – they were actually jets and didn’t just dribble the water out. The pulse dial on the showerhead had 3 settings. Soft pulse, medium pulse and WHO NEEDS A MAN!

So now we are on our way to the pier to board our cruise ship – The Pacific Princess – this will be our home for the next 12 days. I think there is a bridge cam that you can log onto. Go to and click on the bridge cam for the Pacific Princess and see some of the views that we are seeing. I have gone there before and it is not always an interesting view….but sometimes in the ports – it can be nice.


Anonymous said...

You sure the foot bath isn't a bidet?
Your poor legs are going to get a nice rest for 12 days! Happy Mothers Day to both of you! Will look up the cam.

Anonymous said...

That sure looks like a bidet to me!! Tourists, what do they know!!?! Oh well, the tootsies shouldn't mind after what they've been through.
Happy Mothers' Day!
Loving the blog! Will try to see what goes on through the bridge cam on the boat.
Love Sandra

Eileen Benmore said...

Hi Ladies: Happy Mothers Day to you both. Nice day here. No rain! Had lunch with Stacy and then will be in to see Mom tomorrow and once again share your posts with her. Enjoy the cruise. I think you need an at Sea Day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Heh there you! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! and 3 cheers for that "who needs a man" shower!!! Whahoooooo!

Love yah
Miss yah

Anonymous said...

I do hope you enjoy the Pacific Princess as much as we did. It is a small ship but easy to move around in for sure. We had a great meal in Sabatini's so do give it a whirl if you feel like being pampered!
