Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Took the public bus to a Monastery today – pretty much in the center of the island. It is so amazing and kinda scary how narrow the roads are. I took a picture out of the bus window of us approaching a car coming in the opposite direction. More than once we have seen cars back up to let someone pass. Also you might notice that there are no sidewalks and pedestrians almost risk their lives getting around from place to place.

This island isn’t very large so it only took about 15 minutes to get to the Monastery. We wandered around and took a few pictures. We were up there for about 3hours … kinda long as there wasn’t a lot up there, but eventually the bus came and took us back to town. We walked more in the town and up to the windmills. They are neat old things. There are five of them and two have families living in them 1 has a jewelry store and the others we weren’t sure.

Saw a wonderful crusty old fella in town today. Had to take his picture. His whole demeanor epitomizes Greece. His wonderful little cap, his moustache, his sun wrinkled face, his clothing, his pipe and of course his glass of red wine – I imagine that it might even be Retsina. He evidently enjoys having his picture taken – he gave me a big smile anyway. Maybe the restaurant pays him to come and sit there to bring more customers in.

We walked all the way around the Aimani Port to a part of Mykonos they call little Venice. From the back side we weren’t sure why – but from the water side, it is quite evident. Very different from the rest of Mykonos. Even the restaurants in this part of town are influenced by Italy and offer menu items like pizza and spaghetti. I am so glad that we are seeing so much. Already 1 week has gone by and our heads are full of the traditions and antiquity of the country of Greece; our eyes are taking in all the beautiful sights of Greece; our hearts are full of the warmth and kindness of the Greek people; our tummies are full of the wonderful food from Greece and our livers ….. well you already know about that!


Anonymous said...

Loving the blog so much! Almost can be there with you without the tired legs and sore feet! Don't know how you an walk a straight line with the lunch libations!

Loff U

Anonymous said...

What a delicious old fellow!!!! It was great talking with you today and I am also enjoying your blog very very much! Have a great day tomorrow and I look forward to hearing more of your adventure!!
