Monday, August 23 – weather is scrudgy
We pulled into Ketchikan and it was nasty – driving rain, windy and just very very wet. All in all we have been very lucky with the weather, but today in Ketchikan was only the second rainy day they had all summer. Although Ketchikan needed the rain badly, we would have preferred they waited just one more day before the deluge!
Eileen and I braved the weather and tramped around the downtown shops for a couple of hours. We came back with a little less cash in our pockets and soaking wet. Brian went off to find an internet café and he was splashed by a passing vehicle and had to change his socks and shoes when he returned.
All in all it was just a dull grey day! After dinner we played Name that Tune and the four of us did quite well, but not well enough to win a “Dam” prize. That was our last opportunity to snag one of the “Dam” coveted prizes – so we are coming home empty handed.
Tomorrow we hope to see fin whales and more humpbacks – they are on their migration to Hawaii and there is a very good possibility that we may spot them between 8 and 10 tomorrow morning. Evidently you can tell the type of whale by their shape of the blow (the puff of steam and water that comes out of the blow hole) – I’ll let you know how that goes.
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