Saturday, February 28, 2009


We found a new friend where we sit by the pool and named him Juan. He was quite a smoker and a drinker...but not much of a conversationalist. We let him join us around the pool for the day. He had a swim with Tina and lay around on the air mattress for a while – but turned out he was just looking for someone to procure him drinks and smokes. I think he was waiting for some seniorita to sweep him off his feet – so no doubt he will be gone by tomorrow.

This fisherman comes along daily to fish from the shore. Not sure what he is trying to catch, but he has an empty plastic pop bottle with string wrapped around it and he puts some bait on the hook and throws the line out into the receding tide and then reels is it. I haven’t seen him catch anything but with all the activity of the pelicans (or penguins as Tina calls them) diving in the waters not terribly far from shore, there must be good eats out there. The most common white fish that is readily available at most buffets is Dorado – it is a really ugly fish but a firm white fish and so good.

One of the couples in the group we are with are Leo and Joan from Comox. Leo is quite the artist and painted a picture of Willy the owner of the restaurant Tequila Willy’s. It is such a great likeness and he took it to the restaurant yesterday and gave it to him. A bucket of beer was $6 contained 6 beer.

We took some laundry to the Laundromat and for 450 pesos we had our clothes washed, dried and folded. I will certainly be taking all clean clothes home at those rates – what a deal. Right next door was an esthetician and Barb and I had French manicures done for 80 pesos each. A pesos is approximately 8 cents. So if you do the math – it is cheapie cheapie - hey amiga almost free!


Anonymous said...

Hey April and Peter,

What a great way to vacation! Being able to mix with the locals on a daily basis must be quite interesting! Your photos are great too! Keep 'em coming! Love Andrea

Anonymous said...

Hi April and Peter!

We made it home safe and sound, 2 hours late, poor Jack waited from 3 am until 5 am. What a guy!

It's raining, of course, but all the snow has melted. Supposed to be a balmy 9 today.

Usher and Rocky were very excited to see us, lotsa kisses and tail wagging...

Your blog is wonderful, we will be checking it daily to up on how you are all doing. Say hi to everyone for us and enjoy the rest of your holiday in Guayabitos!!

Ron and Barb xo