Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Happy Birthday Brian! We are all thinking of you on your special day and Eileen and I phoned to sing to you, but you were not home.

Now phoning turned out to be quite an experience and a story for the blog. The phone we called you from – oh pardon me attempted to call you from, was out of service, however we did not find that out until after we had put 25 cents in TWICE. So we moved to another payphone up the street and as I went to get my wallet opened to put some coins in, my wallet fell and all my coins dropped through the slats in the boardwalk. A special memory of Skagway to be sure! Now at that particular phone there was no dial tone anyway, so we moved to another phone – got the dial tone, tried to put a coin in and the coin got jammed in the slot! Finally, not to let this get the better of us, we went to an internet cafĂ© where they always have payphones in good repair and we were finally able to connect to your number – but you were not home. So I hope you are able to read the blog tonight to get your special greeting!

Now for Pam and Stacy’s intimate encounter with “Spot” the humpback. Pam took the most amazing pictures of this whale with our camera – she was in the right spot (haha) at the right time and I think National Geographic should be calling her any time. I am working very hard to get a picture of the whale that Pam took up on the blog, but the resolution was too high I think – so I will give it my best shot.

We cannot believe our luck with the weather. Before we left home, there were a lot of internet weather sites that indicates the weather up here was going to be quite dreary – however, as I told Pam, if you don’t like what one site says, keep looking until you find one that you do like. So that’s exactly what we did and found a website that indicated we would have sunny and partly cloudy days – and that is exactly how lovely our weather is! Beautiful sunshine and actually wore T-shirt and shorts today.

We walked around the town and poked our noses in some shops. There were 4 ships in port altogether today and that makes for a busy day in this little town of Skagway. We are completely surrounded by mountains except for the ocean on one side. It is quite a lovely place to be. Right off the side of the ship there were several fish swimming about (don’t ask me what kind) and there was a seal who moved into the area – the fish disappeared – that is all but one – and the seal played with it like a cat plays with a mouse or bird. Catching it – letting it go and swim away – then catching it again and so on and so on. Poor fish. I guess the seal wasn’t very hungry at that particular moment and was just looking for some amusement.

Mom sat out on the balcony for quite a while today. She really enjoyed the fine weather and all the fresh air. Eileen and I were gone about 3 hours and she had her nap, watched some TV and then moved out to the deck to take in the glorious sunshine.

The girls rented bikes and went for a nice bike ride. I haven’t seen their pictures yet, but they said they had a great time and it was a nice easy ride. They are enjoying their holiday together. I am so glad they are having this opportunity.

Love to all and enjoy your day Brian!


The Turkington Family said...

I am glad you all are having so much fun, this note is for you April. Too bad your not here, they are filming tonight so that means Kim and Cassidy (and daddy until 10pm anyways) get to have a sleepover at Davey Tree while Smallville Films. They are filming all night probably until 7am tomorrow morning. THey are doing big stunt scenes and everything. Our trucks might even make some of the shots and theres a rumur that Soupy is going to be here haha. I might have my camera so i will take some pictures for you!

Anonymous said...

Hi all! Glad to hear of good weather. Tim said Fri or Sat was rain in Juneau and then sunny so I'd hoped you'd be fortunate too! Skagway seems to be the T-shirt spot of Alaska. Wonderful whale pics. I loved our Orca but those are so exciting!
Happy birthday to my cuz yesterday! It was also Alex's birthday, he first teen one and of course she got a cell phone. *sigh* Why do they have to grow up? Off to 1st grade for Tanner too today. Double sigh.

Love the blogs - April you do a super job. Love to all and a special hug for Auntie Lil!

Ooh, this is Kit!

Anonymous said...

April, Eileen, and the rest of the family. I am so-o envious. You must be having a great time. Don't worry about losing the money, it was only spare change and you have plenty more of that! Have you visited any quilt shops? Our weather has been super. Went to the PNE today and am still burping up greasy fish and chips! So enjoy your "healthy" meals on board and wash them down with a few "pops". Talk to you soon.
Oh, it's me, Helen