Friday, August 31, 2007


Today we woke up to brilliant sunshine, What a lovely end to a perfect holiday. Didn’t get really mobile til about 10:00 and that was just perfect. Pam decided not to emerge til about 3:00 – she even had room service bring her lunch. – the lazy sod.

I went to the room to see if Pam was still alive and much to my dismay, there was Stacy – almost mortally wounded - she had opened the stateroom door and scraped the top of her third toe – almost right off. However, because you are not supposed to be sick or injured outside the clinic hours, we had to wait from 12:00 until 2:00 to get some attention. They poured hydrogen peroxide over it and then applied some bacitracin and then a supply of bandaids to keep the dressing changed – as of 9:30 this evening, it is still weeping, stinging and uncomfortable. No doubt she will be riding on Nana’s knee on the wheelchair to disembark. An unfortunate end of a wonderful journey for her. I’m sure it will take a while to heal.

Some of us saw dolphins swimming and playing along side the ship, (some of us were gambling and saw nothing). Later there was a sighting of a pod of orcas and Pan, using dad’s camera’ was able to get some closer shots than the rest of us. Then it was time for dinner.

We enjoyed our last dinner in the dining room and had the parade of the baked Alaska and the Filipino farewell song. Lots of sparklers and lots of baked Alaksa for all to have dessert. We waved our napkins high in the air in appreciation for the dining room wait staff. Lots of fun tricks and really bad jokes. I think we will all remember why the giraffe didn’t come to Tarzan’s birthday party!

Well, since this is the last post before we debark tomorrow, I will keep it short and sweet. So good night all, and we will be seeing you very soon now


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