Friday, April 27, 2007

The last post

Well the last day has arrived and we will be home in less than 24 hours. What a wonderful trip and such memories we are taking home with us…along with Mexican, Colombian and Jamaican treasures.

The Bingo jackpot that kept running for the two weeks was finally won today and 2 people shared $8750.00 US - what a nice way to end the cruise.

It has cooled off considerably and long pants and long sleeves are definitely the order of the day. The pool deck is empty and because of our speed and the large swells, the pool looks like a tsunami zone!

It will be good to get home. Even the ship is full steam ahead now as we make our way up the peninsula to San Diego by 7:00 am tomorrow morning. We are in the first group to disembark and our plane leaves at 12:15 pm
So Adios amigos and talk to you all in person soon! Thanks for all your responses – we enjoyed that so much as we hope you enjoyed coming along on our journey with us. It made us feel closer to home!

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