Sunday, April 22, 2007

Huatulco, Mexico

Hola from Huatulco! Eileen wants me to tell you that it is pronounced (Watoolco)

Today we went on our snorkeling adventure and it nearly killed us! Tom had a rough encounter with coral/rocks and although his knees are scraped and probably a bit bruised he is actually fine. Nothing that scotch on the rocks didn’t cure! However, to hear him tell it – he was bashed against the rocks and his knees are shredded. Peter quite enjoyed his adventure and Eileen and April kept smashing against one another in the shallows. Our personal floatation devices (not our breasts) were practically strangling us as we were sputtering through the mouthpiece.

I thought that Eileen was sitting enjoying the waves, until I realized that because of the extra 20 lbs of sand in her bathing suit and the flippers she was quite unable to stand Finally she was hauled out by her loving sister and by a kind spirited gentleman. Course I neglected to mention that it took 2 kind spirited Mexican women to help me stand and retrieve my flippers earlier! We are proof of how easy it is to drown in 6 inches of water. It was truly a Kodak moment! Our snorkeling days are over – thank God!

Huatulco has 36 miles of coast line with 9 bays and 36 beaches and 365 earthquakes each year! Our guide was quite informative and all in all it was a lovely day. The weather was a balmy 84 degrees and beautiful ocean breezes kept us most comfortable!

Please somebody – write to Tom on this blog – he is feeling sorry for himself after his painful encounter.


Anonymous said...

hi dad, hope your legs are ok. keep moving - get in the chlorinated pool to kill the bacteria and be active. take some photos of your knees and post them - shannon loves telling/reading/recanting similar near-death experiences.
love st.

Anonymous said...

i guess i come by it honestly then. dad, i totally sympathise with you. were you the only ones on the excursion that got hurt? i enjoyed reading today's post. keep them comin'! btw, the series is tied 3-3, and game 7 is tomorrow. keep your fingers crossed! love you and can't wait to read more
later skater sHaNnOn :o)

the neighbour said...

Now that I've quit laughing I can type something.... Glad you sort of enjoyed your snorkeling, at least now you can say you've done it!! And finally you've gotten into the ocean!!! Apart from the sluttering and sand hopefully you enjoyed your swim in the Ocean. Practise up on your "No, Gracias" you'll need it in Acapulco!! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Sharks dream of people like you.