Tuesday, April 17, 2007

At Sea #2 Day 4

Ahhhh at sea again! Quiet…peaceful…relaxing…HECK NO! Lots going on today.

It started off with breakfast at the back of the ship and then we had to hurry to get our Latte and play morning trivia. We came 2nd. (it was only for a key chain) After trivia we went back to sit on the deck of our cabin and read. When we woke up we had to hurry and get to lunch! Then we had to race to the pool deck to witness the International belly flop contest. Thank goodness it ended on time so we could get to the championship trivia – but those are too hard for us! We only got 1 right out of 20. Did you know that in the song “Yellow Submarine” that the word submarine is only sung 6 times? Well neither did we – our guess was 72. We won’t go to championship trivia again. The one answer we got right, was that old fashioned quill pens were made from goose feathers – the others said turkey …. BOZO’s.

Then it was time for a swim and a hot tub. These really seem to help Eileen’s hip – not to mention the bottle of wine that we shared right after! Time for dinner and then to rush to “Name that tune”. We were only a team of 2 compared to 6 on all the other teams and then because I had the computer with us – we were accused of cheating! I had to show them that I had the network card in my pocket, but alas we came in second! Well, tomorrow is Cartagena, Colombia. This is the first time that a Royal Caribbean ship will have docked there in 7 years and rumour has it that the President of Colombia is to come aboard for some sort of a ceremony.

Oh by the way Peter and Tom are having a good time too relaxing by the pool deck drinking Coronas and enjoying the odd swim…. They think that cruising is so relaxing – especially Peter. Talk to you tomorrow after we come back from visiting Cartagena!


the neighbour said...

Sounds like you had a fun day at sea!! Take lots of pictures in Cartagena tomorrow, make sure you get a picture of yourself with the president - you just never know when it will come in handy!! (haha) Have fun!

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having so much fun! Enjoy Cartagena. Can't wait to here more!
- Kim

Anonymous said...

Man (or is that "Mon") you're turning into a couple of lushes! That's envy you hear, not criticism. Sounds like Jamaica was a wonderful time and what good fortune to have an Anton to show you all the best places. I was in Bogata, Columbia which is a very unique city, nice and cool up there. Wonder what Cartengena will be like? A hug for each of you! Love, Kit (ps: tried to respond before but it didn't work, hope this will!)

Anonymous said...

How's Peter's hair holding up ?

Anonymous said...

your adventure sounds great!!! spoke with nana h. tonight - she is reading your blog every other day via the girls at the front desk...she's amazed by the technology ;) and she's thrilled to be keeping up with your travels. i'm going to download the "submarine" song and count for myself....i don't believe they say it only 6 times in the whole freakin' song... in the meantime, begin filing an appeal or a re-count or something...
oh yeah! FYI - 2-1 canucks tonight against dallas. 3-1 'nucks for the series, they're on their way back to play at teh garage on thurs night...should be good....love stacy

Anonymous said...

Busy! Busy! Busy! Ah, those halcyon days when we had nothing to do but lie in the sun and swim now and then. It seems you are having no difficulty keeping on the run. I know how much you enjoy the action so keep at it. You can't have enough key chains - if only for the keys to open the locks on your work shackles!

We both look forward to tracking after you but realize we will probably be out of contact for a bit! Thanks for keeping us all in the pool, er loop!

The Daughter said...

Presidential ceremony, don't be fooled, it's a hostile takeover! Make sure they know you're from Canada.

By the way, you are doing pretty well for first time bloggers, your little updates are great and fun to read. Miss you all lots, love Pam.

Helen said...

I am so-o-o envious! I bet if I was there we would have won the grand prize in the trivia contest. I am waiting to hear how you enjoyed (or didn't) Cartegena. I'm so glad you got to the bird sanctuary. That must have been a real thrill (trill). LOL.

The Daughter said...

You'll be happy to know that both Matthew and I remembered to wish Grandma a happy birthday. We are taking her to a fancy Vancouver restaurant called Parkside on Sunday for a beautiful, delicious, upscale dinner. It was one of the Dine Out restaurants and Stu and I have been waiting for an excuse to go back! Bring on the calories!